Before – see how long it is in the mirror!
After – with her lollipop!
The women at Little Lords ‘n’ Ladies do a fantastic job and Clara loves it!
The light was so pretty before it started to storm. I had Clara run out to the back yard quickly so we could get a picture.
The first time Clara told me what she was drawing she was about 17 months. She scribbled some black crayon on a piece of paper, pointed at it, and said, ‘penguin.’
Penguins are still a popular subject in her artwork. Here she is displaying a penguin that she drew on her doodle pad. They are most often the result of drawing a ‘V’, then turning it into an ‘upside-down A’, and then finally adding eyes, flippers and, in this case, either grass or toes…I’m not sure which.
Let me know if you are interested in purchasing a piece of her ‘Polderman Penguin’ collection. She is prolific, so we can fill orders quickly.
One of our favorite books is Blueberries for Sal, the story of a little girl who goes blueberry picking with her mother. A bear cub and his mother are also on Blueberry Hill, eating berries to grow big and fat for the winter. Both little ones wander off and end up following behind the wrong mothers, but Sal’s mother finds her after hearing the ‘kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk’ of the blueberries dropping in Sal’s small tin pail.
Because this is such a favorite story and because Clara loves blueberries and says “Clara eats blueberries like Little Sal,” when I give them to her, we made plans to pick blueberries when I found a farm north of us. We went with Clara’s best little friend and her mom and 4 month old baby brother. It was a little bit like a (very hot and humid) circus, but Clara’s excitement was definitely worth it. She mentions the blueberry patch almost every day!
Clara in her pajamas eating her breakfast on the way to the blueberry patch at 6:45 am. She requested the sun glasses.
I have never been so glad for air conditioning as when we got home. I gave both littles a bath and then we enjoyed powdery-fresh skin and cool clean sheets playing on mommy’s bed.