Saturday, February 2, 2008

Letter to Clara: Month Two

Dear Clara,

This month has been such a blur with your daddy returning to work after a long paternity leave and my surgery. Even though in many ways it feels like our little family has been reeling from one change or challenge to another, I thank God that He chose to bless us with you even without our asking. Watching you grow, first inside my expanding belly and now with our own eyes has brought us so much joy in the midst of these small trials!

Toward the end of this month, I began to wake up in the morning wondering what new, sweet baby-ness I would experience with you. This was a welcome change from my previous ponderings as to how many hours of sleep I would get and if they would be consecutive or not! Now after the blessed 6-8 hour stretch that you sleep sometime during the night or early morning, I pull you into bed and we cuddle. What bliss! Although you haven't really found your schedule, there is a little bit of routine in your life and bath time is one of your favorite parts of the day.

Our holidays this year seemed so crazy and off-kilter and I thought about how I look forward to next year, when you are bigger.

But then I put away your newborn clothes that didn't fit anymore and nearly cried, knowing that you would continue to grow up so quickly. Growth and change are always bittersweet.

I treasure every moment with you, darling, and you will always be my little girl.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, dearest Erin, treasure each moment because, as you already know, they quickly fly. And, yes, she will always be your little girl, as you are mine!