The lovely, glowing bride - Jennifer

The happy, handsome groom - Dieter
The wedding ceremony was carefully planned to feature aspects of Jennifer's Jewish heritage and Jennifer and Dieter's Christian faith. The officiant was a Messianic Jew who leads a congregation in Chicago where Dieter and Jen worship on High Holy days. He beautifully expressed that Christianity is the fulfillment of the hope of the Jewish people.

My aunt Hilda - mother of the groom, and my mom

We don't have a single picture of Clara on the wedding day - and she was dressed so adorably! Nathan and my dad ended up becoming videographers for the mothers of the bride and groom, respectively, so the cameras' lenses were focused elsewhere. Also, our efforts were primarily concerned with keeping her happy and un-sun-burned. If any of my three readers have pictures of her, email them to me!

After the wedding, we were treated to a narrated tram tour. Although we had driven through the valley several times already, we didn't tire of enjoying God's beautiful creation, so different from the flat lands of east Texas! It was a perfect day and the smoke had cleared somewhat, so we took many pictures. As I looked through them to choose which to post, I was struck again by the inability to summarize in words or in pictures the enormity and splendor that we saw. If I can't express or take in the fullness of the glory of God's creation, how much more inadequate and mute do I feel to speak of the person of God Himself?!
1 comment:
Hey you! I just saw your Aunt Hilda today and she told me to look at your blog updates. :) I just picked out the last of the wedding pictures for our photograper to put together in a proof package. I saw your comment about no pictures of Clara from our wedding, we have a few! Don't let me forget and I will send them to you when I get the wedding DVD. I am getting rights to 874 images and Clara is in a few of them. : ) I hope that you guys are great and we would love to have you in Chicago one of these days soon! Our new house is getting finally a little more settled. : ) Miss you and I look forward to catching up soon - lots of love to you, Nathan and the beautiful Miss Clara. : )
Love lots,
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