Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

Last year when Nathan and I went to get a Christmas tree, I felt an odd combination of giddyness like I had just managed a fantastic escape and anxiety over leaving little Clara for the first time, you know, all the 45 minutes it took. I had my cell phone with me and I think I called my mom several times to make sure everything was alright. I didn't function very well as an escapee!

This time it was so much fun! Clara loved every minute of it. She wanted to feel the trees and I put her down briefly, which made her so excited.

We decided to decorate the tree that night when she went to bed so that everything would be decorated and, more importantly, picked up, by the time she woke up in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are some of my favorite pictures you've posted. I guess it's because I remember what fun you and Emily had choosing the tree with Daddy...or maybe it's because you both look like you're enjoying it so much!