Before Clara could talk, I toyed with the idea of baby sign language. She started pointing quite early, so I generally could figure out what she wanted and she didn't seem overly frustrated by a lack of ability to communicate, so I didn't press the issue. One sign that was invaluable, however, was 'all done.' I taught it to her by raising my hands when I thought she might be finished eating. The above picture is a classic example of the pose. She caught on quickly and improvised on its use. Was she tired of grocery shopping? 'All-done.' Did she want to get out of her crib before she had even fallen asleep for her nap? 'All-done.' Did she want to leave the pediatrician before she got her shots? 'All done, all done, all done.' Her little arms flew into the air.
2/27/09Our little girl is getting so big now. While she still uses the hand signal, she also tells us "Ah dah." We love this girl!
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