Wednesday, March 26, 2008

19 Weeks Old

Happy Spring!

Growing every day!

See my two teeth?!

18 Weeks Old

More on Easter, our trip to Florida, and Clara's baptism (listed in reverse chronological order) later!

17 Weeks Old

Monday, March 10, 2008


Yesterday God overwhelmed me with gratefulness for my family and contentment with where He has placed me. When I hear my dear husband and my sweet baby happily interacting in bubbly babblings, my heart is filled with joy and peace.

For the Grandmas and Grandpas

I don't presume to think that everyone is as interested in each of Clara's new developments as we are...but I know her grandparents, all of whom live far away, wait for each update. Some of them even leave not-too-subtle requests for more posts in the comments - so here is Clara reaching and grasping.

Little inch worm

Clara is a wiggle worm. She has been squirmy from the start and now she is trying to get around on her own. She works very hard, but she hasn't quite figured it out and this frustrates her.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Empress's New Clothes

It was mentioned to me by a particular someone ( you know who you are) that almost all the pictures posted so far are naked baby pictures. Well here you go, Clara does wear clothes!

16 Weeks Old

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I spy...

Clara's second tooth is on its way! You can't see it in this picture, but you can observe her new favorite activity: chewing on her fingers!

Sunday, March 2, 2008