Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A pumpkin plumping update



Elisabeth had a check-up today.  She is 14 weeks, 5 days old and weighs 16 lbs (95%) and measures 24.5 inches (75%).

A frolic


Doesn’t it look like a pretty day to be outside,

to have a tea party, to cast aside

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the shoes that seem less fit for spring

and more a fall or winter thing?

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Note to Reader

Dear Grammy,

Mommy is working on catching up with blog postings, but she really likes to keep things chronological, so you will have to scroll down to see the posts that she has added. Thank you for persistently checking the blog and leaving comments. It gives her a sense of accountability and so maybe we will actually have baby books/photo albums. If so, that would be the longest term project, other than school, that she has ever completed. (She is telling us that we don't know what ABD stands for or we wouldn't be saying that...maybe you can help us figure out what she means.)

Clara and Elisabeth

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why we need to work on the catechism

When Clara saw our pastor at prayer meeting, she said, “It’s God.”

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Birthday Party

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Today was Clara’s best friend’s birthday party.  We have been anxiously anticipating this celebration and she has asked me to read the ‘macation’ many times each day. 


Clara and the birthday girl


Adorable, personalized ball party favors


Abigail enjoying her presents



Clara enjoying her cupcake   

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kitchen help

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I am sure this is where everyone keeps their pastry brush…

Misdiagnosis, milestone, and munchkins

On Wednesday, May 5, Elisabeth was scheduled to have her 3-4 month checkup. I was anticipating with pride how much weight she would have gained, but was also anxiously watching a diaper rash, which I was fairly certain was a yeast rash, that I had been treating tenaciously for over 2 weeks. Liberal amounts of Balmex, Lotrimin, and Nystatin had been applied. Diapers were changed when any heat or moisture could have built up. Running around naked to dry her out completely after bath time evolved into letting her be a ‘naked lady’ all day, attiring her little bum with diapers only when she requested them and then removing them quickly when she no longer required them. The breakouts only became more persistent, so I decided that Clara needed the appointment more than Elisabeth.

It turns out that the rash is a staph infection – I was not prepared to hear that and receive the treatment plan titled ‘MRSA – Patient Care Plan.’ Now while I know that there is no way for them to know the exact strain without a test, I am following the directions to a T: Chlorinated-bathes 1-2 times a week, cleaning showers after every use, oral and topical antibiotics, washing towels and washcloths after every use, applying antibiotic cream to all household members nases three times daily (I let Nathan apply it himself!)

Clara is very aware of what goes on at the doctor’s office and wants nothing to do with the whole process, so I was prepared for an unpleasant visit, but tried to tell her what to expect and promised a treat if she was brave. She did a great job, tentatively allowing the nurse and doctor to examine her and only fussing slightly when her throat was swabbed for a strep test. The highlight of the visit for her was choosing a lollipop. She is still telling me how brave she was!

We got home 4 hours later after picking up antibiotics and as I started STAGE ONE OF MRSA TREATMENT PLAN, Elisabeth decided it was time to make her day memorable, and promptly rolled over three times on her play mat – tummy to back!

Then we went outside and enjoyed spring weather and summer dresses!






Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pretending to Drive


Clara’s new car seat exit strategy is to race up to the front seat before you catch her so that she can ‘pretend to drive.’ Looks like fun, doesn’t it?!

Wee one and waffle cone
