Thursday, April 23, 2009

Resurrection Day

“Happy then this day to us; happy we that this day came, which opens to us a door of hope—have reason, therefore, to remember it, and with joy to keep it, as the first dawning of a better hope, the day-spring of all our happiness. This day our head is risen, and with him our hope has enlarged its borders, and made a prospect into the other world, sees some comfort there for our sorrows here. This day’s bright -shining beams have lightened our eyes, that now we shall not sleep in death; a Sunday indeed, the first true Sunday that ever shone, wherein the Sun of righteousness arose out of the chambers of the grave, to guide our feet out of misty darkness into marvellous light–out of the paths of the dead into the land of the living–out of this miserable into a blessed life by Christ’s resurrection.”

- Mark Frank (1613-1664)

I have a greater hope, dearest small one, now that you are in this world, a deeper love of the Lord's gifts, a more gutteral hate of sin and a more trusting faith. May there never be a day that you do not know Him as your Risen Savior.


Hilda said...

Erin, She is an angel. Thanks for posting new pictures--I look for them frequently and am glad when there are new ones to see.
Love and kisses from Great-Aunti Hildi

grampy and grammy said...

Amen and amen.

heidiann(e) said...

she looks like such a KID (versus little baby)! and she is SOSOSO pretty!
i can't take it.
please smoosh her for me.