Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Things I don’t want to forget

  • When you first said ‘banana’ you called it ‘mema’
  • Although you say their names correctly individually, ‘Grammy and Grampy’ becomes ‘Gampy and Gampy’ and, likewise, ‘Grandma and Grandpa’ becomes ‘Gampa and Gampa’
  • You repeat our little dialogues.  For example, as we are reading through Matthew in family devotions, when Daddy asks you what book of the Bible we are reading, you say, ‘Maf. No, not Maf.  Maffew.
  • After the novelty wore off, we had a hard time getting you to say the catechism.  It became a real battle ground, but one day when you asked for some beans for lunch, I told you that you could have a bean for each catechism question you answered.  It worked and the next time I served black beans, you said, ‘Who made you?’ – the first question in the children’s catechism.
  • The first time you tried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich you said, ‘Cookie?’

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