Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trip to Orlando

We went to Orlando for my birthday for a few days in late June.  Our trip included the announcement to my side of the family that Baby #2 was on the way, early morning pool time with Clara, and Clara’s first visit to the Magic Kingdom.

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You can see here that Clara’s eyes are still sleepy and I waded in my pajamas.  I think she may have asked to get in the pool even before she had breakfast!



My mom noticed Clara’s ‘Big Sister’ shirt almost immediately.  My grandma, however, didn’t see it right away…  There was lots of excitement at the announcement!

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Clara made herself right at home with the ‘vintage’ toys my mom had saved from my sister and I.  Yes, the tractor was mine.  I had a fascination with tractors, though I don’t think it quite rivals Clara’s obsession with airplanes!

Magic Kingdom



We went to the Magic Kingdom on my birthday.  Fortunately, after growing up in Orlando, I had fairly realistic expectations for what a 19 month old could handle and we planned to stay until naptime and then return to the park after dinner.  I didn’t quite remember how packed the park could be in June…  Lines and toddlers don’t mix well and ‘Wait, this will be fun once we get there in (fill in 45-90 minute wait time)’ didn’t have much clout as an suitable explanation.  We had a fun day, Clara had a nap, and the fireworks were definitely the highlight of the visit.


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Enjoying the fireworks…She was laughing at them!

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